Part 56: 09/06/09 - 09/08/09

It's pretty nice that we get a Sunday immediately after the Full Moon for once. I'unno, it doesn't really make a mechanical difference but as a means of a natural respite it fits best.

..Although first we have a scene with Chidori. More of a continuation of last night's, though.

Chidori's actively ignoring her. I wonder why...

Oh, so it WAS her Evoker in the first place. So, where'd she ge--

...carry on

Well, I see that the hospital gang are getting nowhere fast but back at the dorm we're... I dunno, really. We're doing something.

I was looking forward to NOT buying something from Tanaka this week. It seemed like a foregone conclusion...

Then the fakeout reveal was that it was 5 Snuff Souls for 10k, and the Watch was the errant add-on after all. We CAN get Snuff Souls from the Antique Store, and very rarely from Tartarus items, but this is more convenient and a better cost for the amount.

There's so many unfounded leaps of logic here, I don't know where to begin.

Also it's the middle of the day, so Tartarus isn't even in consideration right now anyway.

...And now, the news.
The latest victim is the 5th case of Apathy Syndrome this month...
I get that that's important and all, but what about Red Hawk?! Is he okay???

I had to check to see if our decent level gain since last time meant Kurosawa was selling something new. He claims to be... but it's just the Heavy Axe for Shinji. Disappointing.

We have a few new requests to do for Elizabeth, but out of the 7 new ones, two are date specific and four are stuff to do/get in Tartarus...

So, we'll worry about MOST of them later.

This little sidestory's still moving along, but it seems like the one doing the following is changing. And it's still hella weird.

We're mainly here to check out the Mahjong Parlour, though.

Gambler: Come on, kid, gimme some luck... No, don't say a word! Ready... Rock-paper-scissors!
Much like at the beach that one time, it doesn't matter at all what we throw out here...
Gambler: Wha...? I lost? ...I guess my luck has dried up. Thanks, kid. You made me realize that gambling's a lost cause. Starting today, I'm stopping cold turkey. Here's a little something to say thanks... Anyway, you shouldn't be hanging around a place like this... Now, beat it!
I'd recommend a nice little cruise. I hear that the Espoir is especially worth it at this time of year.

But yeah, we just came here to get this tile for Elizabeth. It's the only request we can do for a decent while, even!

So, this isn't super-great or anything but... it's still kinda good.

See, there are 3 tiers of Counter skills. The Warrior's Seal we've got a few of grants Counter, as in the skill, which is the first tier. This is also what Shinji has by default, and has a 15% chance of proccing on a Slash/Strike/Pierce elemental attack.
The Berserker's Seal grants High Counter, which is the third tier, and has a 50% chance of working. It's still not great because it doesn't have a damage boost unlike in some SMT games, but it's still the best of the lot and something we won't get for a long time otherwise.
...Alternatively, we could sell it for a probably decent amount but I think I'll give this to Shinji for now since it's a flatout upgrade for him until level, uh, 55.

Anyway, that little diversion done we'll head on over to the shrine and finally give Striped Shirt his pen that we got back from Koromaru a while ago.

See, Akinari, when you put it like that it sounds incredibly weird.

> Akinari fell silent.

Oh no it's fine, totally. It's been way too light and happy lately, so this is a bit sudden!

> You became an acquaintance of Akinari Kamiki.

> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

> You decided to go back to the dorm.
I'm like definitely completely 2000% sure we'll be back at some point in the future, Akinari. We just started the link after all!

Ikutsuki being here and dropping some casual sexism is pretty unexpected across the board, really. Nothin' else here that's changed from earlier in the day, and it's Sunday so...

Mutatsu it is, for tonight. Not like we've really got any alternatives now.

It's just a non-scene, but that's mainly because Mutatsu's final ranks all have relatively very high point requirements.

Sunday ended up being pretty lengthy for an off-day, mostly just because of the scene at the start of the day and that one request I guess?

So, today'll be a lot brisker it looks like. We'll just head on back to the Nurse's Office to see what long, rambling, incorrect nonsense Edogawa has today. what I'd like to say, but we're done already. We can just pick one of the previous 3 to reread if we REALLY wanted to, but... there's really no point.

So, uh, it occurs to me that we're in September now and we've got some stuff from April/May still just like sitting here waiting to be finished. We maybe should, I dunno, spend time with Kaz at least since he's here and all.

> You left school with Kazushi.

Can't say that's quite the realisation I was expecting Kaz to make, but I guess it's a start...?

> Kazushi seems to be worried about you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> After you ate, you left with Kazushi.
Dangit, Kaz. You were honestly so close to getting a result that isn't self-destructive, but you just threw it away.

Yeah, uh, we don't get to even consider going to Tartarus for a while it seems. Need to wait until the thing with Chidori is at least partially resolved, huh...

...though that's the issue. Chidori was completely silent save for a few words about Medea before, after all.

Shinji's reflection on Castor's straight neutral to all elements raises a weird point. Koromaru's the only party member with a natural immunity - to Fire no less - so what does that imply? If weaknesses are a representation of actual personality or dynamics or whatever, then that has to mean... something, right?

But, uh, yeah. That's it for Monday; not really anything of note that we can do at evening on Mondays right now.

Fuuka shakes her head.

Now it's Mitsuru's turn to shake her head.

And on that... sorta maybe ominous, but also kind of not... note, we switch back to things that aren't this.

Like everyone else, Aigis isn't always available after class here. We'll probably just be ignoring her from this point unless she has something interesting or noteworthy to say, though.

Nothing else to do yet today, so we'll just see what Kazushi has to say.

JV Team Member: Don't worry about it...
JV Team Member: Besides, it's for your nephew's sake, right?

> After practice, you decided to go back to the dorm.
Well, I guess that's all we're getting today. A bit of a disappointment, but it does make some sen--

...I sure hope this is going to be good.
> Kazushi seems a bit nervous.

> You left school with Kazushi.

Holy shit, that's... actually a good thing! Good job, Kaz!

> Kazushi is laughing nervously.
Honestly, I think if the kid is super-serious about that promise he might just get the surgery because Kaz is in the first place.

It's kind of a small thing, but this scene doesn't have a variation for Kendo stuff. Worrying about winning a race makes more sense for track and swimming, but overall its clear that the "intended" club to join in the first place was track.

> It seems Kazushi truly appreciates your friendship.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

Ohey, we need Thor for a request for Elizabeth. He's one of the two Personae we need to cast Thunder Call. Unfortunately this son of Odin can't be used until we're level 53, so Elizabeth giving us that request that early is pretty damn mean!

> You and Kazushi hung out for a while.
I genuinely do like that Kaz made the smart and right decision here, despite constant reaffirmation from everyone around him, not just Makoto, that yeah no it's fine. Your leg is a wreck, but keep on keepin' on anyway! Just don't let it get too much worse, and it's not a problem. Surrounded by terrible ideas, bad advice and explicit enabling of bad habits and he still realises that this is dumb and that there's only one real solution here.

Tourist reservations are skyrocketing, and...

Junpei's sat all on his own up on the second floor. He's mostly just moping because Chidori's in the hospital and all, but we're just wasting time right now. Waiting for something to change, which if today was anything indication won't take much longer. Once it does, we can finally do things at night early in the week again.
But we don't have that option yet, so we'll just relax for now and start chaining Great status for Makoto. That's never gonna drop outside of days immediately after we go to Tartarus and the days after Full Moon events too.